Add a Facebook call-to-action

Add a Facebook Call to Action for your event

Calls to action help drive people from Facebook to take actions that are important to your business (ex: booking appointments at your salon). You can add a call-to-action button to your Page at no cost. Keep in mind that in events the primary aim is to sell tickets.

To add a call-to-action button to your Page, you'll need to be an  admin, editor, moderator or advertiser.

Call-to-action buttons can help your customers:
  1. Book Tickets
  2. Contact you through Messenger or email or by phone or website
  3. Shop
  4. Start food orders
  5. Book a service
To add a call-to-action button to your Page:
  1. Click + Add a Button below your Page's cover photo.
  2. Select a button from the dropdown menu and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Click Finish.
Once the button has been created, you can test your button:
  1. Hover over your button.
  2. Select Test Button.
Please note all information on this page is copied directly from If the information on this page is incorrect please go directly to the  Facebook page on this topic for up to date instructions. 

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