Buying tickets in STEP
I'm buying a ticket from someone specific -- can we use STEP?
The Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) works as a queue that matches tickets from sellers who no longer need them to buyers who weren't able to secure tickets before they sold out. Because it matches tickets based on your place in the queue ...
When will a STEP ticket become available for me to buy?
How STEP works is that when a buyer gets to the top of the 'buy' queue, they are offered the ticket at the top of the 'sell' queue. We allow that buyer 24-48 hours to buy the ticket, depending on the event and how close it is to the event start date. ...
I've been offered a STEP ticket; how do I buy it?
If a ticket becomes available for you to buy, we'll notify you via email and include a link you can follow to purchase your ticket. If you have any trouble getting emails from Quicket or following the link in our email, you can also come back to the ...
How do I buy tickets in STEP?
The Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) works as a queue that matches the tickets from sellers who no longer need them to buyers who weren't able to secure tickets before they sold out. Please note that STEP is not available for every event on our ...
I tried to buy my STEP ticket, but it says my code has already been used
If you selected tickets and went through to the purchase page but then closed the page, hit back in your browser or had a failed purchase attempt, you'll see the message 'Promotion code has already been used' if you attempt to book your tickets again ...
How do I check my place in the STEP queue?
You can check your place in the queue at any time by logging into your Quicket account and going back to the STEP 'buy' page where you signed up for STEP. You can find this link in the email we sent you confirming you signed up to STEP, or follow the ...