The Quicket event dashboard and menu

Get to know your event dashboard and menu

Your event dashboard is the hub from which you'll find all the elements needed to manage your event on Quicket. Spending even just a couple minutes clicking through your dashboard and getting familiar with it can unlock so much potential for increasing efficiency and organisation while managing your event - plus, of course, increasing ticket sales.

Please note that the screenshots below are only an example of how your dashboard may appear.

Event status


Once you've finished the event creation form, we have all the details that we need to activate your event and start selling tickets. You are still certainly able to add, remove or edit any settings or details you need to from your dashboard before going live (and after you've gone live as well).

In draft mode, you'll see several quick links where you can continue tweaking your event, or go ahead and click Submit for Approval and our team will set your event to Live. 


Once your event is live, you can head back to your event dashboard and start checking out your guest list, orders list, view all of your reports and so much more. Keep editing to your heart's content, create promotional codes, send complimentary tickets, share with your various networks on social or email; if you don't see what you're looking for on your dashboard homepage, chances are you can find it tucked away in the menu.


Just because your event is finished doesn't mean you should abandon your dashboard. This is great resource for seeing how things went with the event by checking your reports, as well as a way to keep in touch with your event guests. If you have future events with the same or similar details, you can simply and quickly copy the event to create your new one.

Dashboard reports

Scroll down just a bit on your dashboard, and you'll see a whole host of reports to check how your ticket sales are going. 

First, choose the date range for the reports you'd like to see. You can choose Today, the past 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, All Time, or choose a custom date range. By default, all reports will be shown, but you can also choose a specific report.

Event Income: this is the total amount of funds collected for all ticket sales and donations. This does not subtract any commission that may be owed to Quicket.
Tickets Sold: the total number of tickets booked for your event; this includes both paid and free tickets as well as donations and merchandise.
Event Page Visits: the total number of unique visits to your event page.
Conversion Rate: the total number of successful orders (during the date range selected) divided by the number of unique visits. The higher the conversion rate, the better!
Recent Orders: your 10 most recent successful orders will appear here. To see a full list of all successful and unsuccessful orders, you can head to your Orders List under Guest Management.

A handy tip: You can click on the bars in each graph to see an even further breakdown of your data.

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