How does the integration work from a fees perspective?
Though we always promote using the Quicket payment gateway as the first port of call, we do provide integrations for organisers who need access to their funds in order to make the event itself happen. One of these integrations is with Paystack.
Quicket's standard fee, taken on every ticket is 4.9% ex VAT which comprises of the following two amounts: 2.4% ex VAT for ticketing software and 2.5% ex VAT for the use of our payment gateway.
If you choose to use your private Paystack account, we then drop our fees only to the ticketing component which is 2.4% ex VAT. All other fees quoted by Paystack, you pay to Paystack directly. We invoice you for our portion of the fees and this invoice must be settled within three working days of your event ending.
How do I connect my Paystack account?
Integrating and connecting your account can only be done once your event has been created on the Quicket platform. When you are ready to submit for approval, please send our support team your Paystack Secret Key. We will then activate the integration.
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Login to your Paystack account
Step 2: Browse to Settings -> API Keys and Webhook
Step 3: Copy the Secret Key
Step 4: Email support@quicket.co.za and request that we turn on Paystack for your event page. We will need:
- The Secret Key you copied on the Paystack website
- Your Quicket email address for your registered Quicket account
- Your full event page name as registered on Quicket
We will then turn on your integration and test it with you. Once we're sure that it's working, you can begin marketing your page and accepting payments.
Any other questions? Please reach out to our support team.