How can I see how many people are viewing and responding to my Facebook Page's events?

How can I see how many people are viewing and responding to my Facebook Page's events?

To see metrics about your Page's events, click Insights in the left menu of your Page and then click Events on the left-hand side. From here, you can see metrics for all of your Page's events:
  • People Reached: The number of people who had info about any of your Page's events enter their screen.
  • Event page views: The number of people who viewed any event hosted by your Page.
  • Clicks on buy tickets: Click Tickets at the top to see the number of clicks on ticketing URLs for all events with a link for tickets.
At the bottom, you can see metrics about individual events that are upcoming or happened in the past:
  • Responses: The number of people who responded Interested or Going to the event.
  • Reach: The number of people who had info about your event enter their screen.
You can see additional metrics, such as your audience's current town/city on their profiles, as well as recommended actions on your Page's event.

To see additional metrics and recommended actions:
  1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
  2. Go to your Page and click Events on the left-hand side.
  3. Click the event that you'd like to see metrics on.
  4. In the top right, you'll see metrics such as reach, responses and audience.
  5. To see more metrics, including metrics on your audience's current town/city on their profiles, and recommended actions for your event, click See more in the top right.
Note: Metrics about your Page's events include data from 20 January 2016 or later.
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